In an absolut world…

It is impressive how good Absolut maintains with attractive and innovative content.  Following the “In an Absolut World” campaign and doing more that just copy-pasting the mass media versions to the online world as some other brands might be doing, Absolut has launched a site in which the visions of artists, writers and actors from around the world have been collected and arranged in an interesting interface that, according to Martina, is powered by Flash and Papervision 3D.  In this website the visions of twelve selected persons are shown but it also lets the users to submit their own vision. For more visit

How to think, the MIT guide…

Technology Review  published a post by Ed Boyden in which he shares the way he outlines 10 rules on how to be creative in a world with complex problems and continuosly moving targets. Synthetise new ideas constantly Learn how to learn (rapidly) Work backward from your goal Always have a long term plan Make contingency maps… For the next 5 rules and an in-deep explanation read Technology Review.

Tangible Media: Interactive Bars

As we discussed previously, tangible media is becoming a reality day after day and one of the most attractive applications are the interactive surfaces in bars and restaurants. Springwise published recently a post covering iBar, a commercial solution by Mindstrom that enables any bar with a multi-touch and interactive digital surface. The iBar is equiped with a software that continually maps the position of every object touching the surface and then triggers projected content that interact dinamically with the movement in the counter.  Multiple people can interact at once and can even start games or enable bluetooth technology to let users download content.  Imagine a bar that can detect when your product’s pack is placed on the bar… and then trigger other actions, maybe online, maybe not… To learn more visit: Springwise or Mindstorm