IE8 Net History: Internet Explorer 8

Microsoft just launched this video to promote the new version of Internet Explorer. Instead of talking directly about the product, they made a funny video with celebrities talking about the Internet history. As Faris says, “The cool thing about being this huge gray corporation is that every time you don’t act like it, it’s awesome.”

Cómo arreglar el freeze del Zune de 30GB

Microsoft recien publicó el fix en el sitio oficial de Zune… en resumen: esperar hasta mañana. Follow these steps: Disconnect your Zune from USB and AC power sources. Because the player is frozen, its battery will drain—this is good. Wait until the battery is empty and the screen goes black. If the battery was fully charged, this might take a couple of hours. Wait until after noon GMT on January 1, 2009 (that’s 7 a.m. Eastern or 4 a.m. Pacific time). Connect your Zune to either a USB port on the back or your computer or to AC power using the Zune AC Adapter and let it charge. Once the battery has sufficient power, the player should start normally. No other action is required—you can go back to using your Zune!

Tangible Media: The future on the user’s experience

Along the time we have been forced to adapt our habits to new technologies that promise to facilitate the way in which we work. Thus, we have adopted the mouse and the keyboard as the main tools to interact with computers. We have also adopted the windows concept and the fact that we can only make one task at a time (minimize a window, scroll or change the window’s size are tasks that can’t be performed simultaneously) as our paradigm for human-computer interaction. Smashing Magazine published recently an article showing some improvements regarding the user’s experience. Cheoptics360 It is a product by Vizoo that can display 3D holograms with an altitude from 1.5 to 30 meters, regardless it is outside or inside. Reactable It is a collaborative musical instrument with a touchable interface in which many users can control the instruments simultaneously by moving or rotating physical objects that are Seguir leyendo

Tangible Media: El futuro de la experiencia del usuario

A lo largo del tiempo hemos tenido que adaptar nuestros hábitos a nuevas tecnologías que prometen facilitar la manera en la que trabajamos. De esta manera hemos adoptado al mouse y el teclado como las herramientas básicas de interacción con una computadora. Hemos también adoptado el concepto de las ventanas y el hecho de que sólo podemos hacer una cosa a la vez (minimizar una pantalla, hacer scroll o cambiarla de tamaño son tareas que no podemos hacer simultáneamente) como paradigma de la interacción humano-computadora. Smashing Magazine publicó recientemente un artículo donde muestra algunos avances en cuanto a experiencia del usuario se refiere. Cheoptics360 Es un producto creado por Vizoo que puede proyectar hologramas en 3D desde 1.5 hasta 30 metros de altura, tanto en interiores como en exteriores. Reactable Es un instrumento musical colaborativo con una interfaz táctil con la cual múltiples usuarios en simultáneo pueden controlar el instrumento Seguir leyendo