Escucha – Define – Planifica

Hoy en día todas las marcas quieren estar en las redes sociales, y tal es la premura que se dan casos donde no pasan más de 10 minutos desde que el director de marketing lo menciona en una junta hasta que algún entusiasta de la oficina anuncie con bombo y platillo que “Ya tienen Twitter y Facebook”. Y es que se ha hecho tan popular esto de las redes sociales que pareciera que ya cualquiera puede hacerlo (véase El Community Manager debe morir); incluso en estos días puedes encontrar “agencias” que ofertan en Groupon el mantenimiento de redes sociales en promoción junto con un paquete de diseño de tu página web. Y pues sí, lo fácil es abrir un perfil en Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, etc., lo realmente difícil es mantenerlo. Por ello es que te comparto 3 cosas que deberías hacer antes de abrir tu perfil en redes sociales: Escucha Seguir leyendo

Más allá de los KPI

La “evangelización” es sin duda una de las principales tareas de todo aquel responsable de marketing digital en las empresas, y se convierte también en un gran reto cuando nos enfrentamos a situaciones en las que, por ejemplo, algún Product Manager se acerca a nosotros diciendo “Necesito un micrositio y una pieza de emailing”, “Quiero un Fan Page” o lo que es peor “Ya abrí el Twitter de mi producto, ¿pero ahora qué?”. ¿Qué hacer ante esto? Pues bien, lo primero es escuchar y entender: ¿Qué es lo que en realidad necesita nuestro cliente interno? ¿Cuál es el objetivo de negocio? ¿Qué indicadores nos permitirán medir el desempeño de las actividades? ¿Cuáles son los factores críticos para tener éxito? A veces entender y distinguir entre estos conceptos resulta complejo. Para explicarlo mejor, a mis alumnos del diplomado de comunicación digital de mercadotecnia les comparto el siguiente video sobre el reto Seguir leyendo

El Community Manager debe morir

Cuando sucede algún hecho desafortunado en las redes sociales, como los del año pasado con @liverpoolmexico o con @cinepolisonline, no faltan los comentarios parecidos a “Eso pasa cuando ponen a un becario a manejar sus redes sociales”. Las agencias (no sólo las digitales sino también las de relaciones públicas) no se cansarán de decirte que manejar las redes sociales no es una tarea de un becario. Estoy de acuerdo, pero lo que difícilmente te dirán es que en el común denominador de la industria, lo que realmente sucede cuando contratas a una agencia es que ponen al mismo chavito pasante o recién egresado a manejar no solo tu cuenta sino las cuentas de otros clientes. El peligro con este esquema es que el manejo de las redes sociales poco a poco se va convirtiendo en el símil de un call center, donde en realidad lo que se tiene es un Seguir leyendo

Museums and Twitter (Step by Step)

A great thing happening around Social Media is that people can get with ease a lot of information about their interests.  In the Social Media era, people can -finally- get rid of all the Noise and grab the Signal. One of the most interesting uses of social networks such as Facebook or Twitter is the approach given by the sector of Arts and Culture.  It is still quite impressive how many digital marketing or social media agencies have not realized this great opportunity, and are letting Museums or Galleries go by their own in the use of social networks. Browsing across the Internet I found an interesting blog, called “Museum Marketing“, written by Jim Richardson, who posted an interesting article about how Museums can start working on Twitter. Despite the specific objective of teaching Museums how to start using the social network, the tips might be useful for companies or Seguir leyendo

Social Influence Marketing Trends

Take a look at this great presentation by Shiv Singh from Razorfish about the importance of Social Media as part of the marketing mix. Explore how some companies have evolved from the Brand voice, to the Social voice and even to the Social Brand.  The point is that you’re never going to buy again anything alone, now you are influencing and been influenced by others, everyday. Via Online Media Gazette

Augmented Reality: Adidas

Few days ago Wired posted an article about the newest approach from Adidas on Augmented Reality as part of a campaign to be launched in February. Adidas shoes will come with codes in the tongue that allow you to hold it up to a web cam and launch a 3D world right in the palm of your hands. Adidas plans to introduce three games into the virtual neighborhood. The sneakers will then serve not only as the key to get in, but also act as the controller for the games. Augmented Reality has been said to be one of the trends for this year, but in fact it is not something new.  Four years ago, Latin American agencies such as Iconolab, were already working with that technology for digital marketing campaigns. Read more | Via  DigitalBuzz

Did You Know 4.0

“This completely new Fall 2009 version, designed by XPLANE, includes facts and stats focusing on the changing media landscape, including convergence and technology, and was developed in partnership with The Economist.” And if you want to see the real truth about online presentations you should definitely see this other version: Via TheInspirationRoom

5 Things Your Social Media Expert Should Know

Today, almost every company trying to increase its online presence wants to be part of the conversation. Most of them ask their agencies to develop strategies to “use” social media as part of their online marketing campaigns.  Starting from here, the approach is wrong.  As said previously, companies must not try to join the conversation, they must CREATE the conversation; and using social media must not be considered as part of the advertising activities.  Until you don’t get that, you won’t be successful with social media. It is clear that you, as a Marketing head of a company, might not necessarily know all about the Social Media stuff, and thus want hire a Social Media Expert to do the job.  Jason has just published at MarketingHackz his selection of the 5 things your social media expert should know: How to pitch bloggers: “Pitching bloggers requires more of a relationship than Seguir leyendo

Using Social Media to deliver Brand Content: The Skittles example

Skittles has recently redesigned its webpage and btw amazed the whole online marketing industry with the new Skittles homepage, which is based entirely on content published on Social Media. Yes, if you want to know more about the products, within the Skittles website you are sent to a Wikipedia article, if you want to see photos, then you are directed to a Flickr profile. What about friends? Facebook. Videos? YouTube. And chatting? Twitter. You’ve got to check it out to understand the concept. It is also good to read the interesting analysis from ViralBlog.

Finding your competitor’s Digital Footprint

It is not always so easy for a company to figure out its own online presence or the one from their competitors.  When building an Online Marketing/PR strategy it is always necessary to know who is talking about you and what they are saying.  It is also important to know who is talking about your competitors and what it is been said. I recently collaborated in a Digital Footprint study for a well known software company, the study was focused on Mexico and Latin America and it was intended to identify the blogs, sites, and at the end, people, who were talking about the company and its brands.  The results are confidential, but they will enable the company to generate a strategy to start a relationship, or even a direct conversation with them. The tools we used were almost all from Google, but there are also other online tools out Seguir leyendo